Things to do in Lagos: Balogun Market

When I was little, my mother would take me to Balogun market to buy me a ‘Christmas dress’, ‘banger’ (I don’t know what non-Nigerians call ‘banger’ 🙂 ), sparklers and other Christmas-y things.  It was then that I learned to hate Balogun market.  I loved the things my mother bought and I loved the excitement…

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Restaurant Review: Bistro 7

Inside Bistro 7 Bistro 7 is a quiet restaurant in Victoria Island offering simple food like pasta, salads, burgers and pizzas.  It has a red, white and black colour scheme which looks cute and a comfortable, home-y looking outdoor seating area. I ordered

Nail Art: World Cup Nails

I’m not keen on football but with all the noise of the 2014 World Cup, I wanted to be part of it somehow and what better way to do that than by doing World Cup nail art.  This nail art took me several hours!  It’s the most ambitious nail art I’ve ever done and I…

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Tunde Aladese’s Lagos

Tunde Aladese 1.Describe Lagos in 3 words. Grimy. Unapologetic. Amorphous. 2. What’s your favourite thing to do in Lagos? I don’t think I have a favourite thing.  Going to the beach can be nice but so can going to listen to music or going to the movies (which you can do pretty much anywhere).  An…

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5 reasons I love Lagos

Lagos is not for the faint-hearted.  It’s a tough place and with so many people packed in a small place, it can feel crowded and claustrophobic.  In spite of that, I love Lagos.  Sometimes, I’m not even sure why.  A big part of my love for Lagos is because I was born here, grew up…

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