Why you aren’t married yet

Although I’m a relationship coach who helps both men and women over the age of 30, a large portion of my audience is made up of women so today’s video is for them.  From what I can tell, more women than men want to get married and more women than men worry if they’re not married…

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What makes a woman attractive

Sometimes women wonder what makes a woman attractive to men.  Some women always seem to have men around them and other women wonder how she does it.  This video is the answer to that question.  In today’s video, I’m going to be talking about what makes a woman attractive. To watch the video, click on…

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Why you can’t find love

In my work as a relationship coach for single women over the age of 30, one of the questions I get over and over again is: “Why can’t I find true love?”  I’ve gotten that question so many times that I’ve finally decided to make a video about it.  In today’s video, I’m going to…

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