The trip I will always remember

Ganvie, the village on the water.  One of the places that fascinated me on this memorable trip. There are some experiences that stay with you.  For me, one of those was my first trip out of Lagos without my parents.  It happened when I was about 15 and in secondary school.  The school organised a…

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Things to do in Senegal: Bandia Reserve

Bandia Reserve is a 3,500-hectare wildlife reserve in Senegal.  The reserve is about an hour’s drive from the country’s capital, Dakar and is a must-see for anyone visiting Senegal.  Animals that are natural to the region but which disappeared years ago due to man’s activities like poaching have gradually been introduced into the reserve.  At…

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Travel with love

I’m rather cynical when it comes to love.  I’m also wildly romantic.  The way I feel about it often depends on the most recent story I’m told and the one someone shared with me a few days ago has tipped me over to the romantic side for now.  A few days ago, I got talking…

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How to holiday in China

Ibrahim at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China The default place for Nigerians to go on holiday is the U.K. or maybe the U.S. so I thought this guest post by Ibrahim Samande about his trip to China would be an interesting read.  I hope you like it.    August 16th had arrived and I was…

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