How to spend Christmas away from family

Christmas is traditionally the time to spend with family.  It’s therefore no surprise that some people find it a depressing time.  Spending Christmas with family can mean lots of housework, lots of fake smiles and lots of time spent wishing you were somewhere else.  And that’s for people who even have family to share it…

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My 8 travel essentials

Whether I’m going away for two weeks or two days, there are some things I always, always pack.  Apart from the standard things like clothes, slippers and so on, here are my travel staples:

What to wear in Lagos

Nigerians tend to over-dress.  I don’t know why that is so but it just is and nobody exemplifies it like people in Lagos.  The average girl in Lagos would almost always rather be over- than under-dressed.  I find it amusing when I see girls in stilletos at the salon or at the movies but maybe…

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How to holiday in China

Ibrahim at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China The default place for Nigerians to go on holiday is the U.K. or maybe the U.S. so I thought this guest post by Ibrahim Samande about his trip to China would be an interesting read.  I hope you like it.    August 16th had arrived and I was…

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How to look good on the road

When it comes to looking good while travelling, Victoria Beckham gets first prize.  Pictures of her at airports often show her looking immaculate in designer clothes and always, always in high heels.  In interviews, she has revealed that she changes into pyjamas once she gets on the plane though.  We may not have Victoria’s millions…

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Travel with social media

I like social media and I like to travel so I’m always looking for ways to combine both.  One of the ways I’ve done that is by starting this blog.  From talking to people however, I’ve found that not many people know how much they can benefit from combining social media and holidays.  Here are…

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