Travelling while Studying

I studied Geology at university because someone told me geologists travel a lot and earn a lot of money.  After my third year at uni, I interned at an oil company where I learned that while it was true that geologists (in oil companies) did earn a lot of money, they didn’t do much travelling.  I felt disillusioned and that’s part of the reason I don’t work as a geologist today.

Having said that, studying geology involves field trips and travelling and I enjoyed every second of it. 

The Forestry Institute, Oloke-Meji where we spent a week during one of our field trips.  This house was built in 1928.

My friend Yetunde and I taking pictures instead of taking notes

My class mates and I.  You need a sense of adventure to enjoy Geology field trips

Taking measurements on an outcrop

In my second year, we went on daily field trips for about a week and in my 3rd year, we were taken to Oloke-Meji,  a village near Eruwa in Ogun state where we spent a week walking in bushes looking for outcrops, taking measurements and thanking God for city life.  In my final year, we took a tour of Western Nigeria from Ibadan right up to Abuja then into Edo state and finally, spent 3 days in Kogi state where we climbed Kotonkarifi ridge, learned about iron mining at Ajaokuta steel mill and enjoyed the best of the nightlife Nagazi and Okene had to offer.

Geology isn’t for everybody and lots of people were miserable during those trips but if you love adventure, aren’t too bothered about getting dirty and love to travel, you’ll probably love studying geology.

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