How to let him know you’re interested

How to let him know you're interested

Even though we’re in the 21st century, it can still feel tough for a woman to let a guy know that she’s interested in him.  And the more conservative you are or the more introverted you are or the more shy you are, the more difficult it is to let a guy know that you’re interested.


Even today, women can feel like they’re being too forward if they let a guy know that they’re interested in him or sometimes they will be embarrassed or they fear rejection and so they don’t try to let a guy know that they’re interested.  It’s not easy but you know what?  Sometimes, it has to be done.  Sometimes you have to let a guy know that you’re interested in him so that things between you and him can be sped up or can even get started in the first place.


So, to help women who might be a little conservative or a little shy, today I’m going to be talking about how to let a guy know that you’re interested in him.

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Prefer to read rather that watch the video?  Here’s what’s in it: 

The 1st thing to do to let a guy know that you’re interested in him is to contact him in some way.  As you know, I’m a relationship coach for single women over the age of 30 so my tips are targeted at single women over 30.  By the time you’re in your 30s, you should have gotten over this thing of having a crush on a guy from afar.  It’s not going to help you now.  Hopefully, you did all that in your teens and in your twenties.  Now, it’s time to move forward.


You can’t be hoping that a guy knows that you like him if you’ve had zero contact with him.  You can’t be hoping that a guy knows that you fancy him if he doesn’t even know that you exist.  You have to contact him in some way.


Now, social media has made this so much easier for us today.  You can send him a DM, you can find a way to get his phone number and call him or text him or you can get a friend to introduce the two of you.  You can try any one of these things or you can try something else I haven’t mentioned here but whatever you do, make sure you do try to contact him in some way.


A note of caution here though:  the first time you contact him is NOT the time when you should tell him that you’ve had this love and passion for him for the past 2 years.  This is not the time for that.  Instead, after contacting him for the first time, use this period to get to know him better and to let him know you better.  Keep things light and fun and he’ll be more interested in you.


The 2nd thing to do to let a guy know that you’re interested in him is to pay attention to the things he says and does and to show that you have been paying attention.  Now, this is NOT the time or the place to show your stalker tendencies if you have any stalker tendencies but just show that you’ve been paying attention to the things that he’s been saying and the things he’s been doing.


For example, if he mentioned that he had a presentation the other week, ask him how the presentation went or if he said that he went to Kano and he stopped by to see his sister who schools there, ask about his sister.  Show that you pay attention to the things that he says.  Show that you pay attention to the things that he says and it will tell him that you’re interested in him.


He 3rd thing to do when you want to let a guy know that you’re interested in him is to ask him questions about what he does for fun.  Ask him what he plans to do after work.  Ask him what he plans to do at the weekend or on holiday or during a public holiday or on his next vacation.  By the time you ask this question enough times, he is bound to take the hint and ask you to join him on one of these fun things that he does.  If he still doesn’t take the hint, you’re going to have to take your courage in your hands and ask him out!


There are different ways of doing this.  You can take the bold way or you can do it in a more subtle way.  The bold way is saying, “Do you want to go out with me for lunch on Saturday?”  That can be difficult, I know.  So you can do it in a more subtle way.  For example, you can say you have a friend who is a singer, she’s performing this weekend would he like to stop by to watch her?  Or you can say that you have tickets to a movie, would he like to watch it?


Or you can say that you have tickets to an event, would he like to go to the event?  Or you could tell him that you were planning to watch a movie this weekend, would he like to come along?  Just make it seem as if YOU were planning to do something and he just popped into your mind and you were wondering if he would like to do that thing as well.  It’s subtle but it also tells him that you’re interested in him.


If you have tried all these things that I have said here and you have tried some of your own as well and the guy still doesn’t seem interested, he still doesn’t seem to want a relationship with you, then please know that he is NOT interested in you.  It can be difficult to accept but please accept it.


Remember, it’s not because he is busy with work right now.  It’s not because he just came out of a relationship.  It’s not because he is confused.  It’s because he just doesn’t want to be with you.  Please take that as a sign that you’re being saved from heartache and move on from that guy.  There are billions of men on this planet.  There is more than one guy for you.  Believe me!  Move on to another person that will be more interested in you.


Don’t pin all your hopes on one guy who has rejected you.  The next person you meet may be the right person for you and may help you realise why relationships with other people in the past didn’t work out.


I hope you found the tips in this blog post useful.  If you want daily tips from me on love and relationships, follow me on Instagram.  I’ve written a ton of e-books on love and relationships for single women over the age of 30.  If you want to get them for free, click here.


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