3 things to let go of to find the right man for you

3 things to let go of to find the right man for you www.lapesoetan.com

If you’re a single woman, particularly over the age of 30, and you still haven’t found the right man for you, it could be because of certain things that you’re still holding onto in your life and that’s why I’m making this video.  Today, I’m going to be talking about 3 things to let go of to find the right man for you.

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If you’re a single woman over the age of 30, there are certain things that you need to let go of in your life to find the right man for you and that’s what I’m going to be talking about today.  Today, I’m going to be telling you 3 things you need to let go of in order to find the right man for you.


The 1st thing you need to let go of in order to find the right man for you is other people’s expectations.  I’ve heard women say that even though they like a particular guy, they can’t date him because their friends think that the guy is not cool or not sexy or whatever.  By this time in our lives, by the time you’re in your 30s, you should know yourself pretty well.  You know the things that make you happy and the things that make you sad.


So if you’ve met a guy who goes out of his way for you, who makes you happy, you should not be caring whether people think that he’s too short for you, whether he’s from the wrong part of the country or whether he’s too young for you or anything like that.  You should be more focused on whether the guy makes you feel good, whether he’s the right person for you and whether he treats you well.  Let go of other people’s expectations in order to find the right man for you.


The 2nd thing you need to let go of in order to find the right man for you is perfection – on you part or on his part.  You might have made a list of the qualities that you want your ideal man to have but I have news for you.  It’s unlikely that you’re going to find a man with all those qualities.  And even if you do find him, after you’ve been dating for a while or after you marry him, you’re going to think up more qualities that you wish your man had.


So, give up the long list of qualities that you think your ideal man should have.  Or if you want to hang on to that list, look at it then rearrange it.  Put the things that are most important to you at the top.  After you rearrange, the top 3 things are the things that are most important to you.  Those are the qualities that your ideal man should have and those are the things that you should focus on, not the one hundred or one thousand things that you have put on the list but the top three things.


While we’re on the topic of giving up looking for perfection in men, you need to give up trying to be perfect yourself.  If you think your ideal man wants a woman who can cook and who can discuss politics at great length, but for you, the thought of going to the market gives you a headache and just reading newspapers makes you feel like you’re swotting for exams, there’s no point in chasing that relationship.


Sure, you might be able to be that false person or that fake person for a period of time.  You might even be able to do it for a while until he marries you or until you get what you want out of the relationship but after you get married or after the relationship becomes more permanent, then you’re going to see that you can’t maintain that personality.  You’re going to go back to your true self, the guy will be disappointed and the relationship will sour.  Be yourself.  You’re perfect for someone just as you are.  Let go of looking for perfection in men and in yourself in order to find the right man for you.


The 3rd thing you need to let go of in order to find the right man for you is keeping random, unwanted men in your life.  I know women who say that they’re just dating somebody in order to be dating somebody.  The woman knows that she has absolutely no interest in dating the guy for a long time or getting married to him or anything like that but she keeps dating him so that it won’t be said that she doesn’t have a boyfriend.


While on the one hand, I can understand dating for the moment or dating for fun, if what you’re looking for is a permanent relationship or to get married, dating somebody that you have no intention of being with for a long period of time is a waste of time.  It’s a waste of your time and it’s a waste of his time.  It also blocks other men, men who are more suited to you from coming to you.


I also know of women who keep random men in their lives so that their phone will keep on ringing.  It makes them feel wanted.  There are many issues at play when a woman is behaving like that but that’s not what this video is about.  If a woman is keeping men in her life just so that her phone will be ringing, there is no point.  What that is doing is actually keeping the right man for you away from you.  If you leave zero space in your life for the right man to come in, he is NOT going to come in.  If you clutter your space with men you have zero interest in, the right man for you will have zero chance of coming into your life.  Let go of keeping random, unwanted men in your life in order to find the right man for you.


I hope these tips were useful to you.  If you want more tips from me on love and relationships on a daily basis, follow me on Instagram.  I’ve also written a lot of e-books that are free for single women over the age of 30.  These are e-books that will help you find happiness while you’re single and will also help you attract the right man for you into your life.  You can download them for free here.


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