The funniest things I heard as a single woman over 30

funniest things heard as a single woman

People say lots of insensitive things to single women over 30.  This is especially true in Nigeria where we have a knack for being nosy.  Although many of the things people say are hurtful, I don’t think the person saying them means any harm – most of the time.  Sometimes, people say these things because they are worried about you although some of the comments made border on the ridiculous.  For that reason, they turn out to be funny.  Here are some amusing things I heard as a single woman over 30 in Lagos:

“My daughter is a spinster.”

OMG, Mum!  I don’t think anyone outside of Jane Austen’s books uses that word anymore.

“Mrs What are you?”

Even if I were a Mrs, that question would still sound rude.

“Oh!  So you’re still waiting for love?”

My friend made it sound as if love was like a UFO – one of those things you see on TV but never come across in real life.

“May God give you wonderful children.”

My father said this after years of praying for a husband for me.  Since the husband didn’t appear, he moved on to praying for children for me.  He was always an open-minded man.

“Stop wearing trainers.  People won’t know you’re ready to marry.”

This was from another friend.  Said friend didn’t tell me the sort of shoes that signaled one was ready for marriage though.

Now, it’s your turn.  What is the funniest thing you’ve heard in reference to single women in their 30s?  Write it in the comments section.

To get my new book ‘How to be a single woman in your 30s in Lagos’, click here.


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