Nail art: A line in the sky

I did this nail art on July 7th last year – almost exactly a year ago but it remains one of my favourite nail looks.  I remember I got many compliments about this nail art.  I was also quite thrilled with how straight the lines I drew were.  I did them freehand.  The overall look…

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Restaurant review: Izanagi, Lagos

Izanagi restaurant Izanagi is a Japanese restaurant in Victoria Island, Lagos with dark wood, purple-patterned walls and blue chairs.  The restaurant has soft lighting, a sushi bar and a little room with cushions and a table top on the floor for those who want a more Asian-style dining experience.  I went to Izanagi on a…

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Nail Art: World Cup Nails

I’m not keen on football but with all the noise of the 2014 World Cup, I wanted to be part of it somehow and what better way to do that than by doing World Cup nail art.  This nail art took me several hours!  It’s the most ambitious nail art I’ve ever done and I…

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Nail art: The point of nail art

I’ve done nail art with points before but I did those ones using tape.  This look I did freehand and I’m happy with how it came out.  I like the contrast between the dark blue and the pink as well. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but most the nail art looks I’ve…

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Tunde Aladese’s Lagos

Tunde Aladese 1.Describe Lagos in 3 words. Grimy. Unapologetic. Amorphous. 2. What’s your favourite thing to do in Lagos? I don’t think I have a favourite thing.  Going to the beach can be nice but so can going to listen to music or going to the movies (which you can do pretty much anywhere).  An…

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5 reasons I love Lagos

Lagos is not for the faint-hearted.  It’s a tough place and with so many people packed in a small place, it can feel crowded and claustrophobic.  In spite of that, I love Lagos.  Sometimes, I’m not even sure why.  A big part of my love for Lagos is because I was born here, grew up…

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Social Media Week Lagos 2014

Social Media Week is Africa’s largest technology and social media conference.  Social Media Week actually takes place all over the world but for this edition, the only Social Media Week taking place in Africa will hold in Lagos.  Woo-hoo! Social Media Week Lagos will be a week of seminars, panels, presentations, parties and workshops all…

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