How to handle baiting

As time goes by, more and more dating terms seem to come out.  Is it a sign of how warped the world is becoming?  Not really.  A lot of these dating terms describe behaviour that has been around for years, hundreds of years even – it’s just that now, those behaviours are being given specific…

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How NOT to be a jealous girlfriend

Are you a woman whose relationships are fraught with jealous rage?  Has this behaviour cost you, big time?  Are you tired of being an angry, jealous girlfriend?  If you are then I’d like to say ‘welcome’ because I’ve made this video specially for you.  Today, I’m going to be talking about how NOT to be…

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Dating mistakes to avoid

Hindsight is 20-20, especially when it comes to dating.  When you look back on your dating life, it’s easy to see where you made mistakes but somehow, when you’re in it, it’s difficult to know what you’re doing wrong.   Believe me, I made a ton of mistakes when I was dating and as a…

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