What to wear in Lagos

Nigerians tend to over-dress.  I don’t know why that is so but it just is and nobody exemplifies it like people in Lagos.  The average girl in Lagos would almost always rather be over- than under-dressed.  I find it amusing when I see girls in stilletos at the salon or at the movies but maybe…

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What to wear to work

Like most recent graduates, when I got my first job, I was broke.  The job involved writing (yay!) and sales (not-so-yay!).  When I was hired, I was told I needed to dress semi-formally because I would be seeing clients.  That was an immediate problem because while I had quite an array of jeans and spaghetti…

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Living in Lagos (November 2011)

This feature shows through pictures what living in Lagos is like for me.  It’s a picture-heavy post that will hopefully help you get the vibe of Lagos from a particular perspective.  I hope you enjoy it. One of my brothers and his wife took me to lunch.  I had a Lebanese wrap.  I’ve forgotten what…

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Living in Lagos (June 2011)

This feature shows, through pictures, what living in Lagos is like for me.  It’s a picture-heavy post that will hopefully help you get the vibe of Lagos from a particular perspective.  I hope you enjoy it. I do a lot of driving (probably over 100km a week) and my car isn’t the most efficient so…

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