Going Places with Amy Schubert

One of Amy’s childhood vacations was spent visiting the Yellowstone National Park.

Going Places is a regular feature on this blog.  It is an interview-style feature where different personalities tell us the highlights of their holidays.  Enjoy it

 1.    Tell us about your very first holiday.

I honestly don’t remember my first vacation. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family that valued travel. We never had a big fancy house or car, but we DID go on vacation pretty much every year.  Early memories include visiting relatives in Ohio and upstate New York but throughout my childhood we also visited Yellowstone National Park, Utah, Colorado, the Redwoods in Northern California and so much more.


2.    What has been your most memorable holiday?

That’s so hard to choose! So many of past vacations I have really loved – when I was in high school my family spent a week in Washington DC and the surrounding area which I just loved because I am fascinated by American History. But then, I also spent a week in Italy a couple of years ago – I got to photograph my best friend’s wedding and it was my husband’s first *real* vacation so it was so special to spend it with him


3.    What do you like most about vacations?

I love love love learning new things. I’ve visited Europe 3 times now and I just love all the history and centuries of human stories that are on every corner. Yes, I enjoy more nature-y vacations (hiking, pretty landscapes, etc), but my real love is the cities and all the history within them.


4.    What do you hate most about vacations?

I hate how short they are. I hate that I have so few “vacation days” that I can take off from work. I would like to figure out a way to live at least a month in a new city so I can learn everything possible about it but also have time to relax a little bit.


5.    How would you spend your perfect day on holiday?

My perfect day on vacation would involve at least one major “touristy” site complete with a knowledgeable guided tour. I really do love those. But also include an hour or so in the afternoon with a coffee or ice cream or similar, lazing in a city park and people watching.


6.    Where would you most like to go on holiday? Why?

My “to-travel” list is impossibly long. My husband and my current roughly-planned trips are to Colorado (to visit my brother) and Chicago (to visit my husband’s brother). Beyond that I want to visit France (specifically Paris and Normandy), Japan, and take my husband to Washington DC.

Amy is a writer and photographer offering tips and inspiration for small business owners and bloggers. Any thing she can do to help you achieve your dream with your blog or small creative business, she is happy to help you with.

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