Picture Postcards: Cape Town (Part 2)

I went on holiday to Cape Town and loved it.  Here are some pictures from that trip.  I decided to split the posts in two so you don’t get photo-overload 🙂   You can see the first part here.  I like the way these flowers are peeking out from the side of the building

Picture Postcards: Cape Town (Part 1)

I went on holiday to Cape Town and loved it.  Here are some pictures from that trip.  I’ve decided to split the posts in two so you don’t get photo-overload 🙂 .  You can see the second post here.   Brightly-coloured houses in Bo-Kaap

5 great things to do in Cape Town

Cape Point – where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet When you mention Cape Town, people who have been there always say ‘Such a beautiful city’.  And it’s true.  Cape Town may not be the capital of South Africa but it certainly gives Johannesburg a run for its money in the attention stakes.  There are…

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