‘Round the world ticket

‘Round the World Ticket is a regular feature on this blog.  It is a collection of links to articles and posts I found interesting on the internet.  I hope you enjoy it.

I love the way E. Jean who writes for U.S. Elle writes.  You’ll understand what I mean when you read this piece by her.

 Recently, I’ve had Amsterdam on my mind. This article gives ideas on things to do in this beautiful European city.

Got writer’s (or blogger’s) block?  Plinky helps out by asking questions that may inspire you to write.

Thinking about starting a blog?  Doubt your ability to do it? Here’s an article that says you can! 

I love reading about people who live in countries different from their native country.  Here’s a blog by an American woman who moved to Italy.

Gala gives more gist about her trip to Iceland here.

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Photograph by pasukaru76