2nd blog-oversary!

This blog is 2 years old today and I couldn’t be more thrilled!  On average, I put up 2 posts a week and though that sounds minute, I cannot explain the determination you need to blog consistently for two years.  I have deep respect for bloggers who update their blog several times a day.  I…

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1st year blog-oversary!

  This blog is 1 year old today.  I had been reading blogs and thinking about starting one for years before I finally began this one.  I started a few blogs before this one but quickly lost interest.  When I finally decided to start a blog,

Happy blog (birth) day!

My blog turned 6 months old on Friday and since I’m one of those people who celebrate almost anything, there was no way I would let the day go by just like that.  I had a chocolate cake made,     took lots of pictures,