‘Round the World Ticket is a regular feature on this blog. It is a collection of links to articles and posts I found interesting on the internet. I hope you enjoy it.
I love my birthday and simply don’t understand people who don’t like theirs. This might help them change their minds.
I’m obsessed with setting and fulfilling goals. Here’s a slightly unusual article on how to do so.
Bullying is a terrible thing. This interview of someone who was bullied felt close because the interviewee is Nigerian.
I love blogging but when I first started, how often I needed to update was a question I asked myself.
From the little I’ve read about Amsterdam, it seems like the kind of place I would love to visit which is why I found this article interesting.
This post says to ask ‘who do you want to be when you grow up?’ instead of ‘what do you want to be?’ I found that interesting and useful.
I really believe that what goes around comes around and apparently, so does Mandy.
Want to appear more charming to people? Try these easy (but great!) tips.
Need motivation? Sarah has 101 suggestions! Wow!
I love reading Elsie’s blog and I found this post of hers with tips for bloggers interesting and useful.
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Photograph by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL