How decluttering can help you get married

how decluttering can help you get married

I’m a big believer in decluttering and today I will be talking about how decluttering can help you get married.  I know that sounds like a strange topic but it’s true and it can work.  So just stay tuned.

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Okay so, as we all know, decluttering means removing things from your life that you don’t want or that you don’t need and one of the commonest places people do it, particularly women, is with their closet.


So have you ever noticed how when you give away a lot of old clothes you don’t want or need and you fill your closet with just the things that you like and have, you have space for other things?  Have you noticed that in a short time, that space is filled – usually with clothes that you actually do like and want?  Has that happen to you before? It happens to me often.  That same thing can happen with your love life.



If you fill your life with men who are not really for you, men you don’t really like, men who are just wasting your time, people who just come and go, you might not be leaving space for the right man for you to come into your life and that is what we want to achieve.  What I am saying here is you need to declutter your love life, create space in your love life for the right man for you, the man that you have been waiting for all this time who you know is going to make you happy.


If there is so much clutter, if there are so many men taking up your attention and it’s not even the kind of attention that you want, if there are so many men who are making you unhappy or using up your energy, you are not going to have space or energy for the right man.  You might not even see him because you are so bothered with the problems and the issues that all these unimportant, random men are bringing into your life.


Clear out your love life.  Clear out your life in general but clear out your love life in particular.  Create space so that the right man will come into your life.  That is a BIG SECRET when it comes to attracting the right man for you.


I hope this video has been helpful and I hope you liked it.  If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel.  Remember to share this video with your friends too.


If you would like 1-on-1 coaching with me via Whatsapp or Skype, to help you find the right man for you, book a coaching session with me today!  Find out my coaching rates by clicking here then send me an email using lape(at)lapesoetan(dot)com.  I hope to hear from you soon.