Things to do in Lagos: Freedom Park

fountain at freedom park lagos

One of the fountains at Freedom Park

Freedom Park is an arts and recreation centre located on what used to be a colonial prison in Lagos.  The park is located smack in the middle of downtown Lagos so it feels a little odd yet nice to walk into the calm place right in the centre of busy Lagos Island.  The first time I went to Freedom Park, it felt like there was a lot to see and though I wanted to, I couldn’t do it all at once.  Don’t get me wrong, the park isn’t very big – I walked around it without losing breath – but with all the little monuments, fountains, ponds, art installations and pools to look at, wandering through the park will take you some time.

gallery at freedom park lagos

The gallery at Freedom Park

There’s a part of the park where the old prison cells have been recreated.  Seeing the tiny cells were prisoners (said to be political prisoners who fought against colonial rule) were kept was sobering and made me grateful for the freedom I enjoy today.  Having seen the prison cells, you can then lose yourself in the park’s art gallery and stuff yourself at the food court.

statue at freedom park lagos

One of the statues at Freedom Park

As if all that isn’t enough to keep you entertained, a performance or arty event holds almost every weekend at the park.  So, you could go to the park and catch a play or a concert after having a meal.  Perfect!  Being at the park is a great time out for everyone whether you’re alone, with your family or with your significant other (couples often take advantage of the strategically-placed park benches at the park ;-)).  Freedom Park really is a great and inexpensive way to spend time.


Address:  Old Prison Ground, Broad Street, Lagos

Entrance fee:  N200 per person.

To see a video I made of a performance at Freedom Park, click here.

To read other things to do in Lagos articles, click here.

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